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S7-1200 Simulator S7-1217, 14 inputs | 6ES7274-1XK30-0XA0 Siemens

Kod Producenta
S7-1200 Simulator S7-1217, 14 inputs
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Informacja o Produkcie

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Informacja o Produkcie

SIMATIC S7-1200, Simulator module SIM 1274, for CPU 1217C, 14 input switches, 10x 24 V DC inputs, 4x 1.5 V differential inputs SIMATIC S7-1200 Basic Controller - flexible thanks to a wide variety of communication options. Accessories suitable for any requirement are also offered for SIMATIC S7-1200 series. These range from the battery board for long-term buffering of the real-time clock, memory cards and input simulators, to the Ethernet switch with four RJ45 ports.

Alternatywny kod produktu : 6ES72741XK300XA0
  • Producent Siemens
Moduł symulacyjny PLC
  • Liczba wejść cyfrowych 14
  • Szerokość 93 mm
  • Wysokość 40 mm
  • Głębokość 23 mm

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